- KABBALAH Sacred Psychology or How to Cultivate Genius
The book contains scientific discoveries in the fieldsof psychology, philosophy, astrology and theology.In this work, Sepher ha-Yetsirah (The Book of Creation) has been decoded.
Remaining a secret until this moment, it is the main source of Jewish Kabbalah.With the help of Jewish Kabbalah decoded in this way,it has become possible to unriddle the Egyptian mythology too.Together with the scientific discoveries published in the book,comparisons between different religious and philosophical systemsfor spiritual development have been made in connectionwith the ancient Kabbalah doctrine. A comparison has been drawnbetween the mystic traditions of Kabbalah and Yoga.The occult teaching of magnetism, a part of the Jewish Kabbalah conception,is thoroughly elaborated. A unique description of the essence of creationis adduced in its three aspects: magic, scientific study, art; and methodsare suggested for advance in these three fields.Pythagoras’ philosophical computations, encodedinto the Jewish Kabbalah message and lost for the humanity, are discovered.In this book, the occult laws determining the structure and dynamicsof the Universe, as well as the arrangement of human psyche are exploredand interpreted.
The human psyche pattern – examined and encodedthrough a secret Kabbalistic code many millennia ago – is also presented.The method for its composition and use is described in the book too.The information obtained in this way has turned out to be a clueto absolutely all mythologies, and one of them (the Egyptian mythology)has been unriddled and thoroughly clarified in the book.The teaching of harmony of spheres – being an occult doctrineof the music essence – is decoded. The secret theory of music, which used to bean object of research back in Pythagoras’ time, is presented.
The book contains over sixty illustrations.
- Mathematical Methods and Solutions
1. A method to discover new types of n-dimensional oval forms.
2. Calculating the prime number, referring to its serial number,
and calculating the prime number serial number, and the next
prime number, and the sum of all prime numbers from the beginning
to the prime number inclusive, referring to the prime
3. Partial analysis of sums and differences.
4. A method to convert large integers from the decimal numeral
system into binary, quaternary, octal and hexadecimal numeral
systems and back to decimal numeral system.
5. Elements quantity enumeration of the eight basic number sets,
and calculation of the sum and product of these elements.
6. The irrational numbers. The formula of the number Pi.
7. A method of calculating large and multi-digit numbers.
8. Palindromic number analysis.
9. Pascal’s triangle and its applications.
10. A method to determine the formula of the power series
1k+2k+3k+…+n^k for a desired k.
11. How, by a chosen limit of a sequence, to compose a sequence
tending to this limit.
12. A method to calculate Pythagorean triples numbers according
to a given first (smallest) number.
13. A method for calculation of graphs.
14. A method to determine prime numbers. - Цивилизацията на Древна Индия /BG/
Книгата “Цивилизацията на Древна Индия” съдържа голям брой теми. Такива фундаментални теми за една цивилизация като: География, История, Култура, Наука, Литература, Религия, Философия, Изкуство, Строителство са изследвани в тази книга. В главата “Религии” са представени религиите: Индуизъм /с трите му дяла Вишнуизъм, Шиваизъм, Шактизъм/, Будизъм, Джайнизъм, Сикхизъм. В главата “Философии” са описани шестте философски школи на Древна Индия: Санкхя, Йога, Няя, Вайшешика, Миманса, Веданта. Има и философски системи от трите дяла на Индуизма, а също така и от Будизма. Книгата съдържа богат илюстративен материал от 40 цветни илюстрации като приложения.
“За древния човек Индия била не само страна богата, откъдето той се сдобивал със злато, слонова кост и скъпоценни камъни, но и страна на мъдростта” И.П.Минаев